abberior LIVE 560
Item number
abberior LIVE 560 is a dye designed for STED and confocal microscopy in living cells. Its molecular structure renders the dye strongly fluorogenic and facilitates its ability to penetrate cell membranes. It has an absorption maximum at 561 nm and can be effectively excited with a 561 nm laser. For STED, a depletion wavelength between 650 - 775 nm is recommended. Conjugates of abberior LIVE 560 enable live-cell imaging of DNA molecules or tubulin cytoskeleton. Our abberior LIVE 560 is the ideal partner for abberior LIVE 610 to obtain optimal 2 color live-cell imaging results.
Extinction Coefficient
Fluorescence Lifetime
Photophysical properties were measured for carboxylic acid in PBS pH 7.4.